The antiques market in Brazil
Mathias MeyerTo share
Interview with Rodolfo Garcia, a well-known carioca antique dealer and organizer of antiques fairs.
Rodolfo, could you explain your history with the world of antiques?
There has always been an affinity with the artistic world. Museums, exhibitions, books have always been in my path. Professionally, in 1977, I started to work as an organizer of exhibitions (halls) of Antiques and Art Galleries, until 1985, at the Copacabana Palace, in Rio, and at MASP, in São Paulo.
How does the antiques market behave in Brazil?
The glamor of Contemporary Art “stole” some of the interest in antiquarianism. In fact, given the speed and momentum, I think that AC will soon cool down and follow a more selective and less hysterical pace. Unintentionally, it gives a huge space for fraud – much larger than in the old works – and at a time like this, this will be felt, making the market calm down, naturally. The success of ArtRio and SParte, and the profusion of auctions, proves that there is no lack of a market for investment in art.
How did you come up with the idea of organizing fairs, such as the art/collection fair scheduled for 2015 or 2016, at the Jockey Club?
I noticed that the antiques market is still feverish all over the world. But in Brazil, he resigns himself to an inexplicably passive performance, and orphan of an action that would attract attention. Auctions are booming and booming (and they have every right), but stores and offices watch, without any proactive outpouring.
Coincidentally, Rio, celebrating 450 years in 2015, having hosted two imperial periods, 70 years as capital of the Republic, would make the city breathe art, history, all year round. The Jockey is suitable, as it is one of the most traditional venues in Rio (dates from 1928), with rooms suitable for this purpose.
How are historical documents positioned within the world of antiquities?
For the time being, it still hasn't aroused the interest it deserves. Computerization, with all the benefits it generates, also causes irreparable damage. In relation to the texts, they simply buried the manuscripts, the dedications, the correspondence and even the personality of the authors through the identification of their letters. I think this is a huge loss. When this lack is noticed, despite the fact that there is already minimal and occasional diffusion in auctions, they will tend to a promising increase in value. For the old ones, of course, a great future.
What do you think of the Glórias collection and its website?
I'm not familiar with the Glórias collection but the site is beautiful and elegantly suited to the theme. It remains to show more of its collection (or part of it).
Any tips for our team?
Publicize more the exclusivity of this activity, especially (newspapers, magazines and TVs) in Rio and SP. Due to the novelty, they will have space in their guidelines.
This article is offered by the Glórias collection, specialist in rare autograph documents . We evaluate, buy and sell letters, manuscripts, books with dedications or drawings of great historical personalities. Click here to learn more