Would you like an opinion on your document?

We assess the market value of your documents free of charge

The normal response time is up to 24 hours , including weekends. We make sure to respond to all requests and answer all questions in a simple way.

We work exclusively with paper documents , such as tickets, checks, letters, drawings, autographs, dedications, notebooks, manuscripts, drafts, business cards, photographs, among others.

We do not deal with books (second-hand bookshops or bookstores), stamps (philatelists), coins (numismatists) or objects (antique dealers), except when the objects belonged to great historical figures.

We also do not evaluate autographed football shirts .

We assess the commercial value of your documents using specific criteria , such as supply, demand, content, state of conservation, among others, which are elements with different degrees of objectivity based on our 15 years of experience in the market.

If there is mutual interest, we will make a financial offer for your document, usually offering a cash purchase. In some cases, we offer other options such as consignment or an advertisement to promote your document to our community of collectors.

In all cases, our team guarantees total discretion and confidentiality.

We do not have a commercial location, we work remotely and evaluate your documents based on your images. We need UNCROPPED and CLEAR images - ideally scanned - of your document to be able to perform a good analysis. 

You have 2 options to get in touch, you can choose between

1. To chat via WhatsApp (only audio or messages), just click on the green "talk to us" button that appears here at the bottom right of your screen.

2. Send an email to contato@glorias.com.br or through the contact form.