Pequenos adultos curiosos

curious little adults


Do you consider yourself a curious person? How many new books have you read this year?

Maybe you traveled to some distant country at some point in your life? In each of us, the awakening of curiosity is born in different ways, some have ears sensitive to the most subtle melodies, for others, studying is the greatest source of curiosity and knowledge. Every parent has a funny story about their children's curiosities on the tip of their tongue. After all, who hasn't innocently asked their parents something that made them uncomfortable? It is common, however, that all these feelings and desires disappear in the process of growth. Suddenly, we learn that we need to fit in, commitments are left and there is no longer room for those childhood dreams. But does the world not need our curiosity?

Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of Franklin Roosevelt, the 32nd President of the United States, famously said : “When a child is born, if a mother could ask a fairy for the most useful gift for her child, that gift would have to be curiosity.” . Children are naturally curious, newly arrived in the world, everything for them emanates a perfume of novelty. So much curiosity is dangerous and that's why an adult should always be around, ensuring that the little ones don't get hurt with sharp or electrical objects, because, after all, they just want to know how everything works.

At the same time, stimulating this curiosity in a healthy way is a passport to an abundant future, a child absorbs everything around him; and can easily develop skills and abilities that will bear fruit in the future. All the seeds planted during childhood grow into leafy trees. For this reason, the work of parents is essential, as they are the first responsible for introducing the world to their children. Collecting historical objects with children, for example, can stimulate their curiosity for history, which will provide them with an enormous amount of knowledge about the society in which they live.

However, before being a country, we were all children one day

What happened to the boy inside us? Do you still remember those days of jubilation over every single discovery? We didn't need a prize or a goal, just curiosity, genuine and unpretentious. Adult life has its charms, freedom, awareness, and sometimes even a sense of power that can be illusory, but simplicity becomes complexity and often that curious child gets lost along the way.

Luckily, this is not a one-way street, but we can resume our creativity, create habits that feed our mind, or simply let our curiosity carry us away and learn about the new paths it can open. We are no longer children, but who said we can't learn and have fun playing? What fuels your curiosity today? Is there something you'd like to read, investigate, collect, or just try out? All that childhood potential is still stored within us. The unexpected is on the other side of the window, just open it and let the daylight in.

This article is offered by the Glórias collection, specialist in rare autograph documents . We evaluate, buy and sell letters, manuscripts, books with dedications or drawings of great historical personalities. Click here to learn more 

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