In 1929, in Juazeiro do Norte, Father Cícero reassures one of his godchildren.
- Handwritten letter from Father Cicero to José Antônio.
- One sheet, one page.
- In Portuguese.
- 11 cm x 17 cm.
- Juazeiro do Norte, October 30, 1929.
- In good condition, with the paper slightly fragile. The signature has undergone a slight chemical alteration of the ink due to exposure to light or humidity.
Father Cícero Romão Batista (1844-1934) became a prominent figure in Brazil due to an alleged miracle that occurred in 1889, when, during a mass in Juazeiro do Norte, the host turned to blood in the mouth of Blessed Maria de Araújo. This event attracted thousands of pilgrims to the site, consolidating it as a center of popular devotion.
In addition to his religious influence, Father Cicero played a significant political role, being the first mayor of Juazeiro and actively participating in Ceará politics. Although he faced conflicts with the Catholic Church, which initially did not recognize the miracle and punished him, his popularity continued to grow, and he is venerated by many as a saint.
The recipient of the letter, José Antônio, was one of his godchildren. In the message, Father Cícero writes: “I ask God to protect you (…) there is no reason to fear (…) may He bless you.”
In the Christian religious context, the term “godchild” refers to a person who, upon receiving the sacrament of baptism, is entrusted to the spiritual care of a godfather or godmother. These godparents take on the responsibility of guiding the godchild on his or her journey of faith, offering moral and spiritual support throughout his or her life—a role that Father Cicero often played.
Father Cicero's letters are extremely rare and highly sought after by collectors. This one, in particular, has a special value because it is from the end of his life and written directly from Juazeiro do Norte, the city where the “miracle” occurred, where he was mayor and where he died.