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Handwritten letter from Alberto Santos Dumont (August 11, 1928)

Handwritten letter from Alberto Santos Dumont (August 11, 1928)

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In 1928, in Biarritz, Santos Dumont wrote one of the most beautiful letters about aviation.

  • Handwritten letter from Santos Dumont to Tissandier.
  • One page.
  • In French.
  • 20.6 cm x 27 cm.
  • August 11, 1928.
  • Biarritz, France.
  • Perfect state of conservation.
  • Unique piece.

French transcription

Dear friend

Très content d´avoir de vos nouvelles et de la famille. Je suis installé ici et très content. On laboraille beaucoup à la mécanique. Le motor pour ski à l´air de bien marcher et j´étudie un pour aile battante. Le petit, 4m d´envergure est déjà prêt mais pas essayé. Quit si on ne va pas donner une surprise pour l´aviation! En passant par ici, arrêtez vous pour voir mon installation. Comment from Berançon? Mille amitiés à toute la famille et à vous de l´ami. Santos Dumont

“La Casucha” Village Soriano

Biarritz 11.8.28

Portuguese translation

Dear friend,

I am very happy to hear from you and your family. I am settled here and very happy. We have been working hard on the mechanics. The ski engine seems to be working well, and I am studying one for a flapping wing. The small one, with a wingspan of 4 meters, is ready, but has not yet been tested. Who knows, maybe we will surprise the aviation world! If you are passing by, stop by to see my installation. How are you, Berançon? A thousand friendships to the whole family and to you, from your friend.

Santos Dumont

“La Casucha” Village Soriano

Biarritz, 11.8.28

Einstein talking about relativity, Yves Saint Laurent about Haute Couture or Neil Armstrong about the Moon… this is the holy grail for a collector of autographed documents. A person talking about his art, his achievements or failures, his dreams or his research, is what moves the reader the most and, therefore, what gives the greatest value to a handwritten document. These writings break records all over the world, and their value is constantly increasing. This letter from Santos Dumont is, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful letters by Santos Dumont that have appeared on the market since his death in 1932.

We've been working hard on the mechanics. The ski engine seems to work well, and I'm studying one for a flapping wing. The small one, with a 4-meter wingspan, is ready, but it hasn't been tested yet. Who knows, maybe we'll surprise aviation!

In fact, this letter shows the renewed enthusiasm of Santos Dumont, who returned to work, doing what he loves: thinking about mechanics, developing engines… and surprising aviation with a certain ingenuity. A renewed moment in Santos Dumont's life that biographers tend to forget, like his creations outside of aviation (balloons, automobiles, boats, etc.). In short, an incredible letter.

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